txgirl0302 Sep 23, 2011 11:45
character: caroline forbes, graphics: type: banners, icons: michael trevino, awesomeness, helpmebabyjesus, ship: tyler & caroline, person: candice accola, character: tyler lockwood, goodies, person: michael trevino, graphics: type: icons, television is ruining my life, random, graphics: type: animations, tv show: the vampire diaries, squee!, le sigh, icons: candice accola, unf
txgirl0302 Sep 20, 2011 17:41
character: caroline forbes, photo of the day, awesomeness, helpmebabyjesus, ship: tyler & caroline, person: candice accola, character: tyler lockwood, person: michael trevino, gif of the day, television is ruining my life, squee!, tv show: the vampire diaries, graphics: type: animations, le sigh, unf, flailing!
txgirl0302 Aug 13, 2011 11:18
person: michael trevino, awesomeness, graphics: type: animations, tv show: the vampire diaries, squee!, le sigh, flailing!, ship: tyler & caroline, person: candice accola
txgirl0302 Aug 09, 2011 19:39
person: michael trevino, graphics: type: animations, goodies, le sigh, gif of the day, awesomeness
txgirl0302 Aug 09, 2011 01:35
person: michael trevino, goodies, picspam, gif of the day, person: katerina graham, awesomeness, random, graphics: type: animations, le sigh
txgirl0302 Aug 03, 2011 16:14
reading rocks!, blog, gif of the day, irl: general, random, tv show: suits, tv show: supernatural, person: misha collins, graphics: type: animations, le sigh, review: show, book: the mortal instruments: book one, the mortal instruments: book two: city o, irl: family, life
txgirl0302 Jul 24, 2011 19:16
person: michael trevino, tv show: the vampire diaries, graphics: type: animations, le sigh, gif of the day
txgirl0302 Jul 20, 2011 20:38
person: michael trevino, tv show: the vampire diaries, le sigh, ship: tyler & caroline, twitter, person: candice accola
txgirl0302 Jul 06, 2011 23:08
person: michael trevino, graphics: type: animations, person: ian somerhalder, le sigh, gif of the day, awesomeness
txgirl0302 Jul 03, 2011 16:01
person: michael trevino, goodies, photo of the day, gif of the day, awesomeness, random, graphics: type: animations, le sigh, person: candice accola